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The Kanger Sub-Tank

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Sadly I did not get a chance to work with the rebuild-able coil that comes with this tank. So with that being said, I will only be talking about the sub ohm factory coil side of this tank. I think this tank looks great, it has kind of a retro look to it, if that makes sense. I like how much juice it holds (6ml) with the factory coils. If I'm not mistaken it holds about 4 ml with the RBA. Not bad at all considering the Aspire Atlantis hold about 2 ml stock. The air flow and flavor is actually pretty damn good as well.

Now for the annoying part. I got halfway through my first tank and bam! It started leaking juice from the coil down through the air flow adjustment. Now, I run a higher VG mix in my juice so I know it couldn't possibly be a juice issue. I'm hoping the RBA that comes with this solves that problem. I spoke with a few other people who own this tank, some have had the leaking issue and some haven't.

I think Kanger did a good job with this tank. Minus the leaking issue. For now I'm staying with my Aspire Atlantis sub ohm with the 7 ml extension.

Once I have a chance/time to mess with the RBA on the Kanger sub tank I will post an update.

Time for a give away!! We are giving away a 30 ml bottle of juice. One entry per person please. Just tell us what juice/blend you would like and you are entered, The winner will be announced Monday @ 6pm. Good luck!

Susan Anderson is this weeks winner of a 30 ml bottle of juice!! Congrats!

Susan, please email dino@madtownvap.com with your address.

Thank you all for participating. Stay tuned, we will be giving away more juice next week :)

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